January 9, 2023

As we roll up the workshop doors and get back to business in 2023, stock can be unusually low due to the pre-Christmas rush to get cars back on the road and little time to think about stocking the cupboards before the break.

This month, ACM Parts Head of Purchasing, Mick Lehpamer shared with Australasian Paint and Panel the most requested products that fly off the shelves at this time of year and makes some handy suggestions on what to keep in stock all year round to save lost production time. 

“We speak with workshops daily who say its increasing handy to be able to order their panels, parts and everyday workshop items like mixing cups from one supplier which saves them time and additional costs like freight from multiple suppliers.”

ACM suggests the following items should be well stocked in every workshop.

  1. Tapes

Let’s face it, tape is a heavily used everyday item so running out is unthinkable. “Our range of tapes are our fastest moving consumable and workshops can never have too much.”

2. Mixing cups, lids and liners 

With no cups in stock, painting simply doesn’t happen so these are essential to have in stock and lots of them. Lids and liners are equally important ensuring there is no lost production time and allows businesses to keep things moving.

3. Body Filler

A good body filler is worth its tinned weight in gold, especially products that can be applied on a range of surfaces and contours without sag. Lehpamer says the ACM parts Evercoat Rage Ultra filler is by far their most popular in the 4L range for this reason.

4. Sandpaper

Ever gone to sand something back and realised you don’t have the right grit on hand so had to do a run to the shops? Having ample stock of the most popular types from hookit discs to sandpaper sheets and pads for both machine and hand, ensure great dust control for the safety conscious repair shops. “Maintaining a smaller but consistent level of less used products is simply good business practice.” Lehpamer says.  

5. Gun wash

Running out of gun wash at the end of a busy day is unthinkable so having a few tins of solvent in stock ensures that not only is spray equipment clean and ready for the next job but businesses are properly looking after their tools and ensure longevity.

6. PPE

Lets face it, the biggest asset of any business is its staff, so personal protective gear is high on the radar. “Good quality spray suits, an ample supply of masks and gloves are vital to ensure employee safety and give employers peace of mind – so keep these stocked up.“

ACM Parts have a comprehensive range of workshop consumables available to customers through their dedicated website www.acmpartsconsumables.com.au Simply register your business, sign in to order and have them delivered to your door.

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